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Friday, July 08, 2005

Thursday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 7.7.2005:

Iran's President-Elect Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's own website

Northeast Intelligence Network:
Complete Bio - In His Own Writing

Is the president-elect of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, one of the hostage-takers at the US Embassy in Tehran in 1979? The Northeast Intelligence Network called upon its Farsi-language resources to help determine the answer to this question. Sure enough, the answer is readily found on the official website of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, written entirely in Farsi, and complete with images. The website includes various documents from Ahmadinegad's campaign where he claims "I Can Control the Americans - I Have Experience Doing It". In one particularly disturbing document, he claims that if elected, he will "bring the death that the Shi’ite are experiencing in Iraq to the streets of America with the volunteer martyr brigades that are ready to act." READ MORE
Plus: International demonstrations around the world are planned for July 9th, in memory of the anniversary of the bloody crackdown of pro-democracy forces in Iran.

Here are a few other news items you may have missed.

  • BBC News reported that the Iranians plan to train Iraq's Military.
  • reported that an Iranian woman singer was threatened with death for singing.
  • The Financial Times warns that a new Iran nuclear crisis looms.
  • Michael Rubin, Forward said Washington must plan today for the democratic Iran of tomorrow.
  • Financial Times took a look at two new books in the US, Countdown to Terror and Countdown to Crisis, which accuse an incompetent Central Intelligence Agency of failing to recognize the potentially catastrophic threat posed by Iran.
  • Middle East Newsline reported that Israel's Defense Ministry has said that Iran could destroy the Jewish state with two atomic bombs.
  • National Review reminded us that if London, which has long faced the highly sophisticated terrorists of the IRA can be struck by terror, then every city is vulnerable.
  • James Lewis, Real Clear Politics thinks an Iranian bomb will split Islam.
  • Human Events suggested that the questions the media are asking about Ahmadinejad should be recast.
  • IranMania reported that imprisoned Iranian dissident Ganji is near death due to his hunger strike and demanding unconditional freedom.
  • WorldNetDaily reported that an Iranian movement says it now has recruited 40,000 human "time bombs" to carry out suicide attacks against Americans.
  • Iran Focus reported that Iranian officials are becoming increasingly anxious that the European Union may change its policy toward the clerical state.
  • And finally, a Student Movement Website Update.