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Thursday, August 18, 2005

Feedster's Top 500 List Ranks Our Blog # 67!
Each month, Feedster brings you a list of 500 of the most interesting and important blogs. Enjoy browsing to see what people are reading, to find feeds that will bring topics of interest to you on a regular basis, and to discover new voices in the Blogosphere.
They appear to rank based on the number of links other websites link to your blog. They listed our as:
#67 A Daily Briefing on Iran (3,546 links) | (rss)
It is very encouraging that a specialized blog could generate such a high ranking among the millions of blogs. Our Blogosphere campaign for real democracy in Iran is working. Thanks to all the supporting blogs.

I hope this news is encouraging to our regular readers and the Iranian pro-democracy movement. The world is watching!