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Sunday, August 21, 2005

Governor of turmoiled northwestern city 'dies'

SMCCDI (Information Service):

Official sources of the Islamic republic regime are reporting the death of the Governor of the northwestern City of Bookan in what has been declared as a 'car accident'.

Abdollah Abazari and his family members have all perished in the questionnable accident which seems to have happened by 01:30 AM (local time) of a regular week day.


Usually the Islamic regime prefers observing a delay in releasing the news related to sudden death of its official but this hasn't been the case this time.

Bookan was scene of some violent clashes earlier this month which have resulted in several deaths and tens of injured or arrested. The governor was known for a relative mildness and having tried to oppose the use of bullets by militiamen.

Important changes are been taking place in most key positions of the Islamic republic in order to strengthen the regime which is facing unprecedented internal and external pressures.

Bookan and most northwestern cities of Iran are still under tight security measures and foreign Islamist brigades are also deployed in the region.