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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

"Iran to focus on missiles, air defences"

Iran's main military objectives are the development of its air defences as well as its ballistic missiles, the man nominated to be the Islamic republic's defence minister said Tuesday, according to AFP.

In a confirmation hearing before parliament, Mostafa Mohammad Najjar outlined "developing and expanding the air defence system and missiles" as "highlights of the programmes of the defence industries".

The speech by Najjar, who like President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a veteran of the elite Revolutionary Guards, also outlined the development of "nanotechnology, information, developing modern ammunitions ... and equipment for electronic warfare" as priorities for the defence sector. READ MORE

Tehran's rapid progress on its ballistic missile program is a major cause for concern among the international community, with Israel alarmed over Iran's nuclear activities.

Iran said it achieved a major breakthrough in May when it successfully tested a new solid fuel motor for its arsenal of medium-range ballistic missiles.

The new technology could be built into Iran's Shahab-3 missile, which the Islamic republic says already has a range of at least 2,000 kilometresmiles).

Military analysts also say Iran has developed a strong air defence system amid speculation that the United States or Israel could attempt air or missile strikes against its controversial nuclear facilities.

The Iranian parliament has since Sunday been hearing from each member of Ahmadinejad's 21-man cabinet.