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Monday, August 22, 2005

Laptop Update: A Major Setback

As you know, nearly two weeks ago my laptop died. As a result, my ability to post has been severely restricted, thus the delay in my posts.

It was suggested that I let my readers know of our need for a new one. I did so.

Major bloggers came along side to support us and your willingness to contribute to the purchase of a new laptop has been overwhelming.

I thought I would be announcing our success at finally reaching our goal of $2000, a few days ago.

In my last post I announced I had $1810 for the laptop. As a result, I received an additional $190 dollars in gifts.

So we should be celebrating right? No!

Well, in my enthusiasm to bring the campaign to a close I included in the $1810 total, a $500 gift promised by a wonderful supporter of our efforts that was to arrive in the mail. When the check finally arrived yesterday, it was for $100. I believe this persons desire to help was larger than their checkbook. I understand. My mistake was including $500 in the earlier total before it arrived.

Unfortunately, we are now $400 from our goal. I apologize. The purchase of the new lap top has been delayed further.

If you can help, please send the funds using the PayPal with the link below.

Thank you for all for your support.