Monday, August 29, 2005

Social and political conditions worsen in Iran

SMCCDI (Information Service):
Social and political conditions are worsening in Iran as the Islamic republic regime is increasing the repression.

Hundreds of dissidents and individuals labeled as 'trouble makers' have been arrested in the last days in several Iranian cities, such as, Tehran, Rasht and Esfahan. The regime's official sources have labeled this new wave of crackdown as 'zafar' (victory) and are considering it as necessary for promoting stability and order.

The Gender Apartheid policy and women's repression is increasing and many are worried about a future Taleban like conditions.

The Islamic regime's 'moral squad' is even banning the traditional public exclamation of happiness following weddings by declaring to arrest anyone participating in such ceremonies. Usually tens of family members and friends follow the car of the new couple from the ceremony to their residence by singing and chanting.