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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Tuesday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 8.23.2005:

Europeans call off crucial atomic talks with Iran

European powers have called off August 31 talks with Iran over its nuclear programme, France said on Tuesday, marking a breakdown in two years of negotiations with Tehran to halt its sensitive atomic work.

French Foreign Ministry spokesman Jean-Baptiste Mattei said talks on a formal European proposal made earlier this month would not go ahead because Iran had resumed certain nuclear work in breach of a promise to freeze it while talks lasted. READ MORE
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • Pekeiran reported that Iranian dissident Manucher Mohamadi also broke his hunger strike.
  • Eli Lake, The NY Sun reported that Akbar Ganji has broken his hunger strike following pleas from his family.
  • Farideh Nicknazar, Iran Scan reported that Akbar Ganji, terminated his hunger strike after 71 days. We still don't know the details.
  • Eli Lake, The NY Sun reported that President Bush vowed a "total victory" over terror.
  • SMCCDI reported that Islamic regime forces have organized an unprecedented man hunt in the strategic southern City-Port of Bandar-Abbas.
  • SMCCDI reported that a brutal militiaman was seriously wounded after brutalizing two young individuals. Local residents helped the group to escape.
  • Rooz Online reported on the parliamentary games being played in confirming Ahmadinejad's cabinet.
  • Rooz Online reported that ultra-conservative, Mohammad Hossein Saffar Harandi, will take the helm of Iran’s press, culture and arts affairs.
  • Rooz Online looks at the change in Iran regarding the Chador, the mandatory women's covering,
  • SMCCDI reported that four more young Iranians were executed.
  • Iranmania reported that the cabinet nominee for the Defense Ministry said: Iran's main military objectives are the development of its air defense as well as its ballistic missiles.
  • Sean Penn, The San Francisco Chronicle published part two of his series on Iran, a meeting with the son of a former president of Iran, Mehdi Rafsanjani.
  • BBC News reported a Christian Iranian family has lost their appeal for asylum in the UK.
  • Gary Milhollin, The New York Times warned us not to underestimate the Mullahs intention to produce a nuclear bomb.
  • The Associated Press reported that the Iranian government has tightened its control over the Internet.
  • The Chronwatch considers how to handle Iran's nuclear ambitions by contrasting the positions of Dr. Jerome Corsi and Pat Buchanan.
  • The Washington Post reported that U.S. officials have begun a new round of briefings with U.S. allies designed to convince them that Iran's real intention is to use its energy program as a cover for bomb building.
  • And finally, The Guardian reported on the hundreds of Iranian rock acts springing up despite official disapproval. These bans have never been able to experience playing a live gig.