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Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hojatieh Group Still Active

Iranian blogger, Soheyl Asefi, Rooz Online:
Recent changes in the powerful Majmae Rohaniyun Mobarez association (Association of Combatant Clerics) have included the resignation of the popular Mehdi Karoubi from its leadership position and the rise of cleric Mosavi Khoeniha, a very close associate of the founder of the Islamic republic, who became a household figure when he brought Imam Khomeini’s support to the students who had occupied the US embassy in November of 1979.

Another well-known figure in the leadership council of the association, who also happens to be a founder of Mehdi Karoubi’s new political organization called Etemad Melli (National Trust) is cleric Rasoul Montakhabnia. Montakhabnia has for some time now been warning of the institutionalization of dogmatic and regressive religious thought in Iran.

Here are excerpts Rooz recently had with him. READ MORE

Q-Right up to the election day for the presidency, public opinion polls and analysts showed a different picture from what actually emerged in the ballot boxes. How do you explain this?

A-Those predictions were based on the social conditions of the country. They were mere projections of how things stood at that particular time. But the trends were altered by very powerful personalities right before the elections, and so the projections of existing norms and trends could not foresee the new elements that were thrown into the game. These interventions were outside legal bounds.

Q-Some believe Mehdi Karoubi was the big loser in the elections events.

A-I agree. He was deprived of his just rights in that event. He would have won the elections had the extra-legal hands not intervened. Even Mr. Rafsanjani thinks so.

Q-Did any one seriously pursue the complaints?

A-Yes, but the decision had been made higher up not to alter the results.
Mr. Karoubi wrote a unique and unprecedented letter to the leader of the Islamic republic. Even Rafsanjani protested in similar terms, to no avail.

Q-How do you evaluate Karoubi’s departure from the leadership of the association?

A-It is unfortunate that someone who had worked for it for17 years felt betrayed and resigned. Still, he continues to be a member of the association without any management duties.

Q-What is new in the association?

A- Two things: Khatami became its leader and Khoeniha became the secretary general.

Q-Does Khoeniha’s return to the association mean much?

A-The presence of all three, Karoubi, Khatami and Khoeniha, is crucial to the association because Islam and Shism have been placed in a very difficult situation with a very bleak outcome. These three individuals are fighting regressive and dogmatic thoughts.

Q-Is Hojatieh group really strengthening?

A-This is an old regressive movement in Iran. Imam Khomeini’s efforts silenced them for a few years. During the last few years, however, the group is reasserting itself. Regressive thoughts and movements have recently become very powerful again and have even established strong connections to the centers of power and wealth.

Q-Are they the proponents of the Islamic state theory rather than the Islamic republic?

A-Yes. This is not a mistake but a very though through event with very specific ideology. This is the very same thought that has said that our government has not been Islamic for the last 27 years! These thoughts that are against the views of the Imam are now getting stronger.

Q-Is the current leader against this trend?

A-Whatever the case, till today the leader pronounces himself to be the follower of Imam.

Q-In the new political organization, you work side by side with Mr. Karoubi. What do you think will be the role of the group in Iran’s political terrain?

A-We want to create the first popular and extensive party in the Islamic Republic. Not a party that is linked to the government, which has been the case with all parties till today. None of the parties were even extensive. We want to embrace all the political forces of the country, criticize the government and not be part of it.

Q-Others have said similar things. How do you plan to achieve this?

A-We are now in the process of drafting our charter. The fourteen founders of the party have started their work as well. So we are still at the organizational level of our activities. But we will announce our plans.

Q-Will he party accept secular groups?

A-I doubt it. We accept the constitution, the Islamic Republic and Imam Khomeini’s thoughts and principles.

Q-How successful will the new Saba television station created by Mr. Karoubi be, especially in view of the express attacks of Kayhan newspaper and Hezbe Motalefe Islami (Islamic Coalition Party)?

A-Mr. Shariatmadari and others have expressed their personal opinions. But what Mr. Karoubi is doing is within the legal bounds. And let’s not forget that none of these individuals have the stature, record and even sincerity that Mr. Karoubi has demonstrated during his political life. Their criticism equates to putting the cart before the horse.