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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Regime's criminal Minister of Information and Security confesses to torturing prisoners

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzzi
Mohseni-Ejehii, the criminal Mullah Minister of Information and Security of the regime confessed to the barbaric and nefarious forms of torture employed by the agents of his ministry to obtain information or forced confessions from detainees. The regime-run site, AFTAB reports that Mohseni-Ejehii, speaking to a crowd said: "I have the authority to eradicate any form of visible menace or trouble-makers and as such we have instructed the electronics experts of the ministry to purchase a lie detector. Based on this decision, things are moving along quickly and within the next days we will have the latest and most sophisticated forms of lie detecting machinery." He added: "At present I use mental torture (what is called the WHITE METHOD by the Mullahs) for obtaining confessions."