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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Senate Introduces Iran Restrictions

JTA News:
The U.S. Senate introduced legislation to restrict American businesses from obtaining nuclear-fuel assemblies from anyone that also sells them to Iran.

The Iranian Nuclear Prohibition Act of 2005, introduced Tuesday by Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), targets fabricated nuclear items that contain enriched uranium, used to create nuclear energy. READ MORE

Under the bill, no American business or entity would be able to purchase the fuel assemblies from a business, entity or government that sells to Iran.

Iran’s support for terrorist organizations, its past record of nuclear enrichment deceit and its opposition to U.S. foreign policy objectives in the Middle East make Iran one of the most pressing national security issues facing the U.S. and the democratic countries of the world,” Santorum said. “The U.S. must take this important step toward eliminating nuclear activity in Iran.”