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Thursday, October 20, 2005

Basij Militia to Enhance Iranian Defense

Middle East Newsline:
Iran has disclosed a plan to create a huge Islamic volunteer force to protect the regime from any Israeli or U.S. attack. Iranian officials said supreme leader Ali Khamenei has approved a plan to greatly expand the regime-sponsored Basij militia. Under the plan, the Basij, which began as a volunteer movement, would essentially turn into Iran's third military ground force.

Under the plan, the Basij would have more than 1 million men under arms. The force would be deployed both along Iran's long borders with Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Turkey as well as in major cities.

Gen. Mohammed Mirahmadi, the Basij's deputy commander, said the militia's Ashura forces would be greatly expanded over the next few years. Mirahmadi said the Basij would form 2,000 Ashura battalions in an effort to enhance Iran's defensive capabilities.