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Monday, October 17, 2005

Establishment of a training-center for Martyrdom-seeking forces in the city of Esfahan

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
The regime-run newspaper, ETEMAAD, in it's Saturday, Oct. 15th issue reports of the establishment of the command center entitled "Lovers of Martyrdom" in the city of Esfahan. Revolutionary Guard Jafari will command this establishment where so-called HONORARAY TERRORISTS will receive training.

Last week, Revolutionary Guard Kowsary, the Director of the office of the Armed Security Forces of the regime, threatened western nations with terrorist and suicide attacks, saying: "We know all our various enemies weak spots and we know just how to deal with them. Today we are equipped with people who are martyrdom-seekers, who can seriously damage these weak spots. Today, in our country martyrdom-seekers are ready to seriously damage these weak points."

ETEMAAD newspaper writes: "Revolutionary Guard Jafari who is one of Mullah Messbaah-Yazdi's disciples in one of his speeches threatened Mesbaah-Yadi's enemies.

The commander of the "Lovers of Martyrdom" in a gathering of the martyrdom-seeking forces stated that anyone in any position or 'robe' who dares to speak against this illustrious Islamic figure (Messbaah-Yazdi) has acted against Islam and we are duty-bound to avenge the insult."