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Monday, October 10, 2005

"Giving the Nobel Peace Prize to El Baradei is for deceiving public opinion"

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
Mohammad Kiareshi, the previous representative of the Islamic regime at the IAEA claimed: "The purpose for bestowing the Nobel Peace Prize on El Baradei is to publicize his image to the world, deceive and bamboozle world opinion in order to conceal the politicization and bias of El Baradei's looming posture regarding the regime's nuclear program.

Given the weight of such a Prize, El Baradei can pretend to be some international peacekeeper and statesman; this way he can pursue America's satanic stance with the regimes' nuclear program. This prize was originally designed for people who took steps toward peace and without fearing adversity helped lead society toward justice, humanity and progress, whereas during the recent years this prize has been turned into nothing more than a tool for world powers."