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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Kidnapped Tabrizi Journalist, found near death, stabbed 9 times

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
Tabriz News - Public service: Massoumeh Babapour, Tabrizi woman journalist, who disappeared on Monday, has been found, left for dead by her kidnappers, under a bridge in the city of Tabriz, having been stabbed 9 times.

Hasan Baqerzadeh, Ms. Babapour's husband, in a phone conversation with the Tabriz News reporter said: "My wife was kidnapped by 4 men who seized her while passing by on the street and stabbed her 9 times, severely injuring her. The kidnappers had been making threatening phone calls to my wife. Massoumeh is at present hospitalized and is being treated at a local hospital."