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Sunday, October 16, 2005

Prison riot results in tens of wounded in Shiraz

SMCCDI (Information Service):
Tens of inmates have been wounded and reportedly some killed in a bloody clash which happened, in the early hours of Sunday, at the Adel-Abad ('Just' Place) Prison located in the central City of Shiraz.

Militia's elite forces were seen rushing to the area in order to back the prisons guards and to smash the riot.

Noise of shoot out and sirens of ambulances and fire trucks were heard in the area and blockades were installed by the regime's security forces. There's no news of the exact casualties or the extend of damages made to the notorious prison due to the riot and fire set to several sections.

Family members of several inmates have been reported as having rushed to the area in order to try to obtain information on the fate of their captive relatives but many of them have been brutalized.

Hundreds of Shirazis are still held at Adel-Abad for having opposed the Islamic state in the last years and their conditions are grave as they're forced to share the same sections as real criminals.