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Saturday, October 08, 2005

Regime-orchestrated protests in support of nuclear activities

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
Following the weekly Friday prayers spectacle, the regime's operatives and hirelings took to the streets of various cities and towns around Iran to demonstrate their support for the Islamic Republic's nuclear activities.

They yelled: "Nuclear energy is our absolute right. The Board of Governors' session is an American conspiracy; Death to France, Death to Germany, Death to Britain, Death to the U.S...."

According to reports from the regime-run news agencies: "These protestors called the efforts of the regime's authorities in reinstating the nuclear activities as a courageous act." Their placards and banners read: "The suspension of the centrifuges was an idle thought" AND "If the Supreme Leader commands, we will sacrifice our lives for him."
The demonstration was a failure. Other news reports claimed that the size of the demonstration was in the tens of thousands. In Iran, where the government can require and/or intimidate government workers and those receiving government pensions to show up, the numbers should have easily been in the hundreds of thousands.

Instead of showing massive support for the nuclear policies of the regime it proved the opposite.