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Friday, October 14, 2005

Secure Computing Tries to Block Illegal Downloads in Iran

K.C. Jones, TechWeb News:
Secure Computing said Friday that it is taking steps to prevent Iran from illegally downloading its software. The announcement comes after OpenNet Iniative released the latest in a series of reports on authoritative governments restricting free communications online. ONI has shown that several countries, including Burma, China, Singapore and Iran, are restricting Internet access. ONI has found that some are using American software to do it.

In a report released earlier this year, ONI stated that Iran used software from Secure Computing, based in San Jose, Calif. to operate "one of the world's most substantial censorship regimes" in 2004 and 2005.

Secure Computing Public Relations Manager David Burt said Friday that the company is actively trying to stop Iran from using its software.

"It's illegal to sell to them, so we're not selling to them," Burt said. "They're essentially stealing our products. We're blocking attempts to download from IPs that we know originate in Iran."