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Saturday, October 15, 2005

US Ambassador Says Iran Lying About Nuclear Weapons

ABC News:
US ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton has accused Iran of spending 18 years trying to develop nuclear weapons, while lying to the world about its intentions. Tehran insists that its nuclear programs are designed to generate energy purely for civil purposes. Mr Bolton says diplomatic pressure is needed to stop Iran from achieving its alleged nuclear ambitions.

"The real issue is whether the international community is going to accept an Iran that violates its treaty commitments under the non-proliferation treaty," he said. READ MORE

"That lies about its program and is determined to get nuclear weapons deliverable on ballistic missiles, that it can then use to intimidate not only its own region, but possibly to supply to terrorists."

He dismissed the suggestion that the United States, the United Nations or any other body was powerless to prevent Iran from building a nuclear arsenal.

Earlier in Paris, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice reiterated a warning to Iran to restart negotiations over its nuclear program or risk being taken before the UN Security Council.

Mr Bolton, renowned for his criticism of the United Nations, agreed that a multilateral approach to Tehran was the correct approach.

"We think the international pressure that the Security Council can bring on Iran may be what is necessary to get them to reverse the decision that they have made to pursue nuclear weapons," he said.

"Or, if it is not possible, that other steps we could consider through the Security Council can increase other kinds of pressure on Iran to get them to that point."