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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Wednesday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 10.12.2005:

Important New Evidence of the Iran/Al Qaeda Connection.
The al-Zawahiri Letter

Dan Darling, The Weekly Standard:
THE FULL TEXT of the just-released letter from al Qaeda second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri to Iraqi insurgent leader Abu Musab Zarqawi, dated July 9, 2005, makes it clear that not only are al-Zawahiri and bin Laden symbolic leaders to the global jihad, but they are still active in running their terror network, too. ...

Far more interesting than what al-Zawahiri reveals about his status, however, is what he reveals about al Qaeda with regard to its organization, ideology, and grand strategy. ...

Another point certain to pique interest is al-Zawahiri's opinion of the Iraqi Baathists ("Arab nationalists") which is rather praiseworthy and certainly reconciliatory... This mindset of pragmatism appears again and again in the letter...

Western and Arab officials and analysts have long characterized al-Zawahiri as one of the key links between al Qaeda and hard-line elements of the Iranian security services.

Al-Zawahiri specifically references this link as part of his argument against Zarqawi's strategy of provoking a sectarian civil war in Iraq along Shiite-Sunni lines. After making more general criticisms of this strategy on the grounds that it alienates public opinion, multiplies the number of enemies the insurgency must defeat, and creates a strategic impossibility of wiping out the entire Iraqi Shiite population, al-Zawahiri then drops a bombshell:
And do the brothers forget that we have more than one hundred prisoners--many of whom are from the leadership who are wanted in their countries--in the custody of the Iranians? And even if we attack the Shia out of necessity, then why do you announce this matter and make it public, which compels the Iranians to take counter measures? And do the brothers forget that both we and the Iranians need to refrain from harming each other at this time in which the Americans are targeting us?
This last statement is worth examining.

For starters, it appears to confirm the view that al Qaeda leaders known to be inside Iran are likely under extremely lax house arrest. Al-Zawahiri does not fear for these individuals' safety or bemoan their loss (in contrast, for example, to the case of Abu Faraj) as long as they remain in Iran. Rather, he appears worried that Zarqawi's sectarian campaign in Iraq will result in the Iranians taking action against al Qaeda members within their own borders. Al-Zawahiri appears to want at least a policy of non-aggression towards Iran as long as the United States is their common enemy. Given the 9/11 Commission's documentation of Iranian ties to al Qaeda, this would seem to be an issue of great concern. READ MORE
Further evidence of the Iran/Al Qaeda connection. Some amazing statements about Iran. Read the entire letter here.

Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • Xinhuanet reported that the world waiting for Iran's "constructive proposals."
  • The Associated Press reported that the relatives of a former U.S. hostage were awarded $91 million in a lawsuit filed against Iran.
  • Safa Haeri, Iran Press Service reported that Iran now claims it is ready to approve the additional protocol... just in case.
  • Iran Focus reported that in a case of tit-for-tat: Iran is now accusing Britain of weapons smuggling into Iran.
  • Iran Focus reported that members of Britain’s House of Commons from the country’s three major political parties took turns to lambaste Iran’s hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his government. I also link to the transcript of the debate.
  • The Washington Times discussed Iran's novel attempt to claim Mohamed ElBaradei is a hawk.
  • CNN News reported that Syria's interior minister, who was head of the country's military intelligence in neighboring Lebanon for nearly 20 years, has committed suicide. Hmmmm. Isn't this convenient.
  • Dr. Jerome Corsi, WorldNetDaily reported that the Israelis are preparing for a military strike on Iran.
  • The Sun reported that British troops have obtained two of the infrared detonators (believed to be Iranian made) intact.
  • Scott Peterson, The Christian Science Monitor reported on why the EU and Iran are still far apart over nukes.
  • Bill Samii, Radio Free Europe reported that Ahmadinejad's diplomacy is sparking controversy at home and abroad.
  • Amir Oren, Ha'aretz reported that on the eve of Yom Kippur, the surprise for which Israel is vigilant is no longer an Egyptian and Syrian air and armor attack, but Iranian missiles.
  • Reuters reported that female civil servants at Iran's Culture Ministry and female journalists must be out of the office by dusk to be with their families.
  • Nazanin Namdar, Rooz Online reported that Iran's press court will resume its work next week to publicly review the case of more than 130 publications that have been closed.
  • And finally, Cox & Forkum published another cartoon about the Mullahs: En Garde.