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Monday, December 05, 2005

Letter from imprisoned political activist, Arjang Davoodi

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
[A letter from the medieval prison of Bandar Abbass]

Wherever I may be, the sky is mine
The window, thought, air and the love of nation are mine.

With warmest regards to all those who lost their lives for the freedom of Iran and the rekindling of vows with all Iranian Democratic-minded lovers of freedom and secularism. READ MORE

With hopes of good health for all those who cherish humanity, who promote the rights of every single member of the human race and who endeavor to stamp out barbarism against various Iranian tribes and nations, and finally especially the politically persecuted.

Enlightened citizens of the world, Fellow Iranians,

Against all current universal precepts of human rights and despite the explicit text of the constitutional law of the Islamic regime which has specifically ruled against the contradiction of the statutes, on September 20th, 2005, I was exiled to the central prison of Bandar Abbass which is a penitentiary for deadly felons and knife-wielding killers from across the country. I am currently being held in ward 3 of this medieval and horrifying prison and am wanting for all intended rights, in addition to being deprived of reading books, watching television or listening to the radio and in the communication age have absolutely no means of receiving news; this leads to the bankruptcy of ones mind-set which goes to show the ignorance of the Philistine authorities and their sycophants.

In all phases of the investigation and the judicial hearing, the magistrate of branch 12 of the injudicious revolutionary court, the Mullah judge decreed my case to be confidential, so much so that neither my lawyers nor myself were permitted to peruse my file; I was only permitted to scrutinize my 36 page incidental penalty decree in two sessions which totaled no more than 3 hours at which time I was entirely handcuffed, to my assigned guard.

In this vindictive penalty decree, it is stated that a video tape of a meeting that took place in the office of the revolutionary court judge, during my days in solitary at Evin prison's security ward 2 is at hand and in that, I have apparently hollered: "This is not supreme leadership, it is villainous guardianship and a rule of bums" and though even bums have a sense of courage, I will now expressly declare that this is not only not the guardianship of bums but far worse, it is the guardianship of the gutless, meaning a bunch of vermin who know nothing of humanity and put animals in the jungles to shame.

I therefore seek the assistance of all humanitarians and freedom-lovers around the world, especially the international human rights organizations in supporting and promoting the Iranian people's freedom movement and the establishment of a civil society in Iran, which will uphold:

1. Freedom of Speech
2. Freedom of the press
3. Freedom to inform
4. Free elections
5. Freedom to assemble and to peacefully protest
6. Freedom of political parties and groups.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Iran will never die.

Arjang Davoodi