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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Regimes radio: “Ahmadinejads comments are accordant to Islamic rule”

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
On Sunday, December 11th the Islamic regime's radio praised Ahmadinejads anti-Semitic comments and called them “accordant with Islamic rule.

The radio address stated that while westerners are “too retarded to grasp the depth of the concept” of the Presidents comments, this is “the only solution for resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian disputes.” The broadcast continued: “The Zionist regime along with the help of Europeans just want to exacerbate the existing disputes so that the blood of innocent Muslim Palestinians could be poured into the ‘bottle of depravity’, otherwise why is it prohibited in Europe to address the falsified reality of the Holocaust and not even consider the solution offered to the world by the Islamic regimes president?

The Islamic regimes ended its broadcast by claiming that the international community’s protest against Ahmadinejad’s comments is nothing more than the “defilement of the divine order."