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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

U.S. Presses Russia on Iran Missile Deal

The United States on Monday said Russia’s plans to sell tactical missiles and other arms to Iran would not serve the U.S. or regional interests.I think it’s important to remember and underscore that Iran is a state sponsor of terror, they have engaged in actions that we think are hostile and unhelpful, and that we view this proposed sale in that context,” State Department deputy spokesman Adam Ereli was quoted by Reuters as saying. READ MORE

Moscow announced the sale of tactical surface-to-air missiles and other hardware on Friday, after Washington urged the world to use its economic and diplomatic leverage to persuade Iran to abandon sensitive nuclear activities.

Earlier on Monday, Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov confirmed these reports saying Russia had struck a deal to sell short-range, surface-to-air missiles to Iran.

A contract for the delivery of air defense Tor missiles to Iran has indeed been signed,” Ivanov said. He added, however, that this “did not change the balance of forces in the region.”

According to the Russian media, Moscow agreed in November to sell billion worth of weapons to Iran, including up to 30 Tor-M1 missile systems over the next two years. Tor M1 missiles are short-range, surface-to-air missiles already used by several other armed forces, including China.