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Thursday, December 15, 2005

The voting is over

The final results may take some time.

The official announcement of results will be posted no later than Monday December 19, 2005. It will take some time due to their efforts to eliminate all the votes from cheaters.

Trying to beat Iraq The Model on Iraq'selection day has been tough. Unless something unusual happens it looks like our friends at ITM have won the award for a second time. They are a great blog and deserve all the acclaim and attention they get.

It appears we have a solid hold on second place. Considering the millions of blogs worldwide, this is still quite an honor.

I want to thank you all your support.

The good news is that our strong showing has in itself provided us with exposure to a much larger audience.

I can only hope that the decision makers who read our blog are considering the many complicated issues that have to be addressed with the Iranian nation very soon.

The opportunity is there for the west to support the people of Iran in overturning their oppressive regime, but for many reasons the time is running out.

Thank you all so much,


You can see the current vote totals here.

Best Middle East or Africa Blog

Iraq The Model 35.68 % (3600)

Regime Change Iran 31.22 % (3150)

This is Zimbabwe 11.47 % (1157)

Rantings... Sandmonkey 9.31 % (939)

Israelly Cool 4.39 % (443)

The Religious Policeman 3.11 % (314)

6000 miles from civilisation 1.84 % (186)

Secret Dubai 0.79 % (80)

Timbuktu Chronicles 0.61 % (62)

The Fishbowl 0.44 % (44)

360 degrees of sky 0.43 % (43)

Voice in the Desert 0.37 % (37)

Digital Africa 0.13 % (13)

Mission Safari 0.11 % (11)

Jared's Mozambique 0.11 % (11)
Total votes: 10090

Finalist Links

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