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Thursday, December 08, 2005

Workers and retirees of Rasht, Tehran and Qazvin protest

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi
Rasht (Province of Gilan): On Wednesday, December 7th, workers from IRAN BERK protested in front of the Office of General Industries and Mines of the Province of Gilan. Mohammad Yaqoubi, the representative of the workers said: “Hundreds of the Iran Berk workers are protesting 8 months worth of non-receipt of their wages and that is our reason for gathering in front of the headquarters for industry and mining in the Province of Gilan.”

In a conversation with reporters from ILNA’s workers group Yaqoubi added: “More than 500 employed workers of Iran Berk must be paid 8 months worth of wages; unfortunately despite continued complaints to the managements, so far no one has been paid. The authorities in the office of industry and mining of the province have heard our complaints and promised to investigate as soon as possible in order to obtain the 8 months worth of back-pay for the 500 workers.” READ MORE

Qavin: Hundreds of workers from POUSHEENEH BAFT Company, gathered in front of the governors offices in order to protest 5 months worth of non-receipt of their wages.

One of workers said: Previously management had promised to pay us the arrears and reopen the factory however they have not as of yet made good on any of these promises.”

Tehran: The regime-run news agency ILNA reported that retired workers from MULLAH SADRA Company have also not received their wages for 3 months. These retirees gathered in front of the headquarters of cattle ranchers of the province of Tehran. Two months ago forty retirees of the Mullah Sadra Company (Support Organization for Cattle Affairs) who perform difficult and often dangerous jobs were forced into early retirement and are now in dire situations. These were mostly butchers or employees of the National Meat Company. The welfare office is however stonewalling the retirees and not making any efforts in calculating they retirement wages. The workers who each have a minimum of 17 years of work experience and pension accrued are being evaded by the management and staling in properly handling the matter.