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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Debate of Nuclear Policy Banned

Sara Isfahani, Rooz Online:
The ROOZ Online reporter from Tehran reports that one week after Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) instructed the Iranian media not to portray the country’s referral by the IAEA to the UN Security Council as a diplomatic failure, it has sent out another circular asking the press not to criticize Iran’s nuclear issue.

The instructions of the Secretariat of the SNSC come at a time when during last week many scholars and specialists in international law had expressed their opinions, either in writing or verbally to the press. In their writings, they had implicitly criticized Iran’s policy, the negotiations over the issue and the future options and possible direction of events.

Just a few hours after the publication of the news about the SNSC’s ban, the Secretariat issued yet another letter asking the press not to criticize the members of the nuclear negotiations team. The instructions have created a situation and atmosphere in which editors of the media are refraining from accepting or publishing any news on the nuclear issue. READ MORE