Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A revolutionary guard commits suicide in Kurdistan

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi.
Based on received reports, on Friday, Feb. 17th, Youssef Rastee, a member of the Ansar al-Rasool brigade of the revolutionary guards who was based in the town of Javonrood (Province of Kermanshah) shot himself in the head, committing suicide. The reasons behind his suicide are still unclear. However, it is actively rumored that many members of the revolutionary guards stationed in Kurdistan having been exposed to the desperation and destitution of the masses, have begun to show increasing signs of resentment toward the rampant corruption in the upper ranks of the regime and revolutionary guards; it is also said that many are horrified by the realization of an inevitable and massive uprising, which could lead to bloodshed.