Monday, March 13, 2006

Nassrollah and Sadr in Tehran

Morteza Sadeghi, Rooz Online:
Rooz reporter from Tehran reports that last week Tehran was the scene of visits by leaders of Shiite armed groups from different countries. Iraq's Moqtada Sadr from the Mahdi Brigade was in Iran and met a number of senior Iranian officials, who exchanged views. This visit comes less than a month after his last official visit to Iran when he met Iran’s senior leadership.

There are also reports that Seyed Hassan Nassrollah, the leader of Lebanon’s Hizbullah group was in Tehran last week and met with the highest officials there. Recently, Nassrollah was reported to be unusually active in discussions with the various political groups in Lebanon.

None of the visits by these two senior Shiite leaders have been officially or unofficially mentioned in the Iranian media or any officials.