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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Swiss judge issues international arrest warrant for ex-Minister of Intelligence and Security of the lslamic regime

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi.
According to reports from Swiss media, a Swiss judge has issued an arrest warrant for Ali Fallahian. Fallahian who is the ex-minister of information and security (MOIS) of the Islamic regime, deputy to Fuehrer-Mullah Khamnei's security detail and member of the council of experts has been recognized as the man behind the assassination of Kazem Rajavi, a member of the Mojahedeen Khalq organization, who was living in exile in Switzerland. Assassins working directly under Fallahian, on April 24th, 1990, shot Rajavi to death near his home in Switzerland.

Mr. Jacques Antonin, Swiss research judge has specifically ordered that police around the world arrest Fallahian on site and have him extradited to Switzerland for immediate indictment. READ MORE

The warrant has also specifies that 13 trained assassins were in fact involved in this assassination; each of these murderers had official Foreign Service passports, which indicated that they were in Switzerland on "a mission". One of the odd points was that some of these documents had been issued on the very same day in Tehran and it turned out that in fact the planning and operations of said "mission" was entirely supervised by Fallahian himself. This Ministry also oversees most of the operations of the Quds brigade and the revolutionary guard squads that have always been in charge of organizing assassinations and other covert terrorist activities outside of Iran with Fallahian as the mastermind behind most of them.

In the opinion of many, the issuance of this warrant could be the beginning of the investigation of the murder files of all of the Iranian opposition members who were so ruthlessly killed by the regime and have been so far willfully ignored by European governments.

Swiss judge meets with ex-MOIS agent

The Swiss daily newspaper LA LIBERTE in it's April 7th issue reported that in his research, Judge Antonin met with and interviewed one of the ex-MOIS agent who was among the 13 and therefore an actual witness to the assassination. After many years, Judge Antonin succeeded in having the ex-agent whose name is Messbahi delivered to Switzerland; among other information, Messbahi, informed the judge of one of the Islamic regime's Geneva-based bank accounts which was created specifically for financing terrorist operations. The bank account contained more of $200 million and financed nearly 400 terrorist operations all around the world, which were planned and carried out by the Islamic Republic of Iran. The signatories to the account were: Ahmad Khomeini, Hashemi-Rafsanjani and Fallahian.

The newspaper also adds that the $10 million paid out to Carlos Menem, the ex-president of Argentina would have quite possibly come out of this specific bank account. The Islamic Republic of Iran paid Carlos Menem in order to cover-up the investigation of the July 1994 attack on the Jewish center in Buenos Aires where 86 people were killed and 200 injured; it is almost certain that Tehran's regime masterminded this attack and had it's Lebanese elements carry it out.

La Liberte also indicates that Swiss and Argentine judges are in complete agreement on this matter and are now working very closely in order to prove this point through the information passed on by Messbahi. Argentine judges had made several requests to the Swiss judiciary for the sharing of information in this case; they too had called for Messbahi to be extradited to Geneva however due to unknown reasons the Argentine judges were turned down and the judge overseeing Menem's case mysteriously filed the case away before he changed jobs in 2004.
A must read.
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