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Monday, May 01, 2006

Blogger’s 3-year prison sentence confirmed

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi.
Trial part 13 of the Islamic regime’s high tribunal confirmed a 3-year prison sentence for blogger and ex-editor of Gilan’eh Emrooz (Gilan Today) newspaper, Arash Cigarchi.

The regime-run news agency ULNA reported that Cigarchi had originally been sentenced by branch 3 of the revolutionary court of the province of Gilan to 14 years in prison; he was charged with “cooperating with enemy governments”, “agitating the public”, “insulting the supreme leader”, “action against the Islamic regime’s order. However, due to the persistence of his attorney, the appeals court reconsidered Cigarchi’s sentence and reduced it. Cigarchi has already served 5 months of his 3-year-long sentence.
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