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Monday, May 01, 2006

The Student Committee of Human Rights Reporters statement of solidarity on International Workers Day

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi.
We salute International Workers Day

May 1st was chosen as International Workers Day because on that day in 1886, the labor unions in Chicago organized a strike for an 8-hour workday; this was known as the Haymarket Riots. From then on, this day is thought of as the day that gave rise to the furtherance of the voice and needs of workers everywhere. And the sad and aberrant thing is that in our country, Iran, not a soul pays attention to the ever-worsening conditions of the hardworking laborers.

The powerful and filthy rich Islamo-Mafia, aided by their oppressive intelligence and security forces as well as their various support groups, has suffocated any complaint, protest and appeal by the worker and laborer class of Iran.

Therefore we the Student Committee of Human Rights Reporters salute workers and laborers around the world and would like to announce our solidarity with these intrepid Iranians, especially those who like Mansour Osanlou, have stood their ground and upheld their principles and are in the nightmarish prisons of the Islamic regime. We demand his unconditional and immediate release and ask that the bogus and trumped up charges against the other bus drivers union members be halted forthwith.
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