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Monday, May 01, 2006

Cuba and Iran Forge Strategic Alliance Against U.S.

Miscelaneas de Cuba: Hat tip to Stefania.
Cuba continues to cement a long-standing alliance with Iran, which includes economic and biotechnological exchanges, as well as efforts to strategically impact their mutual adversary, the United States. This revelation is part of an article penned by research associate, Hans de Salas-del Valle, in the second issue of the on-line journal Cuban Affairs published by the University of Miami’s Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies (ICCAS).

Cuba and Iran have now entered a new stage in a bilateral relationship increasingly characterized by integrated political, economic, and technological policies and a coordinated global strategy vis-à-vis the United States,” writes de Salas. He warns thatpolicymakers in Washington and the European Union alike should be concerned about the implications of a Cuba-Iran alliance.”