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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Thursday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 5.4.2006:

A Chapter 7 Resolution on Iran introduced to the UN Security Council.

  • Reuters reported that the United States, Britain and France prepared on Wednesday to brief the U.N. Security Council on a draft resolution aimed at pressuring Iran.
  • ABC News reported that Britain and France introduced a U.N. Security Council resolution Wednesday demanding that Iran abandon its uranium enrichment program. Detail included.
Updates on the amazing May Day demonstrations in Tehran.
  • Iran Press News published an update on the May Day demonstrations. According to reports between 18 to 20,000 people participated in the demonstrations. They chanted: "Incompetent labor minister, resign, resign, strike, our absolute right" or "Imprisoned worker must be freed" or "Let go of the Palestinians and start thinking about us." A must read.
  • Rooz Online reported on the May Day demonstrations, the protesting workers rushed to the area that was reserved for reporters and there chanted their slogans, and called for greater media attention to their problems and criticized them for failing to do so. They reported one police man was heard saying, “What a shame that they have instructed us not to do anything that would make you angry.”
Islamic Republic's offers kinder, gentler oppression to its citizens?
  • Rooz Online reported that the commander of Tehran police says his forces have reprimanded 10,000 men and women in greater Tehran streets in the past week for violating the Islamic dress code.
  • Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi published a translation of the instructions the chief of Tehran’s Law Enforcement Forces gave regarding improperly attired women. A must read. Photo.
  • Rooz Online reported that Iranian Security Forces will soon able to identify every Internet user in the country and log their access to Internet sites.
  • Rooz Online reported examples of government economic policies that are creating despair among the Iranian people.
  • Rooz Online reported on a controversy the supreme Passdaran Revolutionary Guards Corps commander created when he allegedly said the Baseej paramilitary forces should never interfere in the lives of people.
Iran claims new success in nuclear program.
  • Bloomberg reported that Iranian scientists have increased their enrichment of uranium to a 4.8 percent concentration.
Arabs send a message to Ahmadinejad: cool it.
  • reported that Arab diplomats said the emir of Qatar, on a visit to Iran, carried a private message: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad needed to cool his rhetoric and cooperate with the international community. It didn't go well.
Germany to appease Iran at the World Cup?
  • The Times reported that the thorniest dilemma facing Germany as it prepares to host the World Cup is what to do about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran’s hardline President, if he insists on coming to watch his team play next month.
  • Caroline Glick, The Jerusalem Post reported that Ahmadinejad made a friendly gesture to Germany, part of a general charm offensive on his part towards Germany.
Iran preparing for sanctions.
  • reported that Iran is stocking provisions amid a possible UN embargo.
Iran provoking a war with Iraqi Kurds?
  • The Scotsman reported that a Kurdish rebel commander threatened to launch a a guerrilla war if Turkey or Iran attacked guerrilla bases inside Iraq.
Want to put pressure on Iran's leaders? How about indicting them?
  • Hosein Bagherzadeh, Iran Press Service offered one measure that Iran's pro-democracy forces would welcome is for the international community to open the file on human rights record of the Islamic Republic and start proceedings, in an international criminal court, against those responsible for crimes against humanity.
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • Iran Focus reported that Iran said that the Gulf region was no longer safe for the "enemy."
  • Nile Gardiner and Joseph Loconte, see parallels between Germany in 1938 and Iran of 2006.
  • The Washington Times reminded us that every US administration has been burnt in negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran.
  • U.S. Department of State released a statement of support for the Iranian people in a statement - The Iranian Regime: A Challenge to the World.