Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Wednesday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 5.31.2006:

Ahmadinejad: Europeans should side with Iran or suffer only damage.
  • Spiegel published its aggressive interview with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad discussing the Holocaust, the future of the state of Israel, mistakes made by the United States in Iraq and Tehran's nuclear conflict with the West.
Iran: "there is no such country" as Israel!
  • Ha'aretz reported that Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said: "there is no such country" as Israel.
Iran denies it is slowing it nuclear program.
  • Bloomberg reported that Iran said it is pressing ahead with its nuclear program, rejecting reports that it plans to scale the plan back.
US/Russian Presidents discuss Iran.
  • FoxNews reported that the presidents of Russia and the United States discussed Iran's nuclear program Tuesday before a six-nation meeting.
Christian protests inside of Iran.
  • Ken Timmerman, Iran.org reported on the recent protests by Christian Iranians in the Northwest city of Ourimieh, in West Azerjaijan province.
Iran's Most Wanted List.
  • Alan Peters, AntiMullah said publishing of the names and addresses of these radicals is a one way of reducing the violent suppression of the Iranian opposition.
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • The New York Times reported that the world's non-aligned states are likely to throw their weight behind Iran in its nuclear stand-off with the West, at a meeting in Malaysia.
  • Richard Brookhiser, The Wall Street Journal suggested that in dealing with Iran the US should look to our first, second, third and fourth presidents and their own dealings with Islamic rogue nations.
  • Mehran Riazaty sees a connection between the deadly traffic accident Monday involving U.S. troops sparked the worst rioting in the Afghan capital since the fall of the Taliban government, and Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai's trip to Iran.
  • Rooz Online reported that in recent days, the Iranian government has sharply increased its control and monitoring of Internet users though what is known as “smart filtering.”
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