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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Reader Survey

We have working diligently to provide our readers with all the underreported news on Iran's struggle for freedom and real democracy.

We have published nearly 11,000 news reports and have developed a loyal readership.

But we are now at a crossroads.

While the need for our work is greater now than ever before, but we lack the means to continue to provide the current level of coverage.

We have difficult decisions to make to continue and therefore we would appreciate feedback from our readers.

Please take a few minutes to participate in this survey.

Your response is invaluable to us.

We hope your feedback will assist us in making the best decisions possible in how to continue this work.

Thank you for your support.


We are getting a great response from the survey and will announce some new intiatives soon.

At your request we have just setup a credit card payment option for contributions. To use a credit card, choose the "do not currently have a PayPal account" option.

Update: My site continues to have serious problems loading new reports. Making a simple update to this post is taking all morning. I need to move the site as soon as possible.