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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Thursday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 7.20.2006:

Why the Arab community is not supporting Hezbollah.
  • Michael Rubin, The Wall Street Journal explains why the Arab world has not rallied to Hezbollah's defense it's present war with Israel. A must read.
  • USA Today reported that Hezbollah' and Hamas' attempt to drag the whole Arab world into their war with Israel has drawn flak in the form of Arab public opinion that neither militant jihadist organizations anticipated. It seems Iran has overplayed its hand.
Iranian military in Lebanon operating some of the equipment used to attack Israel?
  • The New York Sun reported that an Arab diplomatic source said hundreds of Iranian Revolutionary Guard personnel are on the ground in Lebanon fighting Israel, "I have no doubt whatsoever that they are there and operating some of the equipment."
  • The New York Times reported that the power and sophistication of the missile and rocket arsenal that Hezbollah has used in recent days has caught the United States and Israel off guard.
Russia joining the West on Iran.
  • Reuters reported that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said they are prepared to back a United Nations resolution giving Iran a deadline to respond to a package of incentives on its nuclear program.
  • MosNews reported that Russian the foreign minister Lavrov said that if Iran fails to respond to UN demands Russia will be ready to discuss economic sanctions at the UN Security Council.
Why hasn't the crisis spun out of control, yet?
  • Dan Darling, The Weekly Standard argued that the most likely reason that Hezbollah has not yet deployed all of the assets at their disposal to destroy the enemy is due to its decision making process. The decisions are made in Iran.
  • The Jerusalem Post reported that Israeli Maj.-Gen. (res.) Giora Eiland argued that Iran may not want to get very involved in this round of fighting and may leave Hizbullah to fend for itself - willing to sacrifice some of its interests in Lebanon at this stage to make headway in its real objective of obtaining nuclear weapons.
Why Israel will almost certainly launch a ground invasion of Lebanon.
  • George Friedman, Stratfor reported that Hezbollah's new missiles can reach Tel Aviv and he argues why Israel will almost certainly launch a ground invasion of southern Lebanon for the purpose of disarming Hezbollah.
  • Charles Krauthammer, The Washington Post argued that amid the general wringing of hands over the seemingly endless and escalating Israel-Hezbollah fighting there is opportunity. A must read.
What is this war really about.
  • Andrew C. McCarthy, The National Review Online argued that Israel’s war against Hezbollah is a watershed in the war on terror. As long as we understand that it’s not just Israel’s war. It is our war.
  • Council on Foreign Relations reported that as the conflict in the Middle East continues, attention turns to the influence of Iran and Syria over their local proxy groups—particularly Hezbollah. Experts see a new boldness in the way both countries are exerting their influence in the region.
  • Inter Press Service reported that this week-old Israeli-Hezbollah conflict is part of a broader offensive being waged by Tehran against Washington across the region; a view has been largely accepted and echoed by the mainstream media.
VOA News' strange report on Iran.
  • VOA News published an article entitled - Experts: Iran Leadership in Deep Debate Over Nuclear Offer. But the article makes it clear that the Iranian leadership is united in demanding the right to enrich uranium. Where is the debate?
Now Ahmadinejad writes Merkel.
  • The Washington Post reported that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has written to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Iran has no comment.
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • IranMania reported that Iran’s daily consumption of natural gas has reached its highest level ever and is double the previous year.
  • The Washington Post reported that President Bush is facing a new and swiftly building backlash on the right over his handling of foreign affairs. They perceive timidity and confusion about long-standing problems including Iran and North Korea.