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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

People vehemently protest the trial of labor activists in the province of Kurdistan

Iran Press News: translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi.
On Wednesday, August 16th at 10 a.m. Mahmoud Salehi and his wife Najibeh Saleh-zadeh appeared in the town of Saghez public court for a hearing in order to be questioned by a judge, for having insulted, Ala Karami, an intelligence agent assigned to Saghez. During the hearing residents of the town gathered in front of the court to protest Mahmoud and Najibeh’s hearing. Demonstrators held placards that read We condemn the prosecution of labor activists”. When the public officials and court employees saw the force of the crowd that had gathered in front of the court, they typically lied and claimed that the judge was on leave and that the court was not in session. READ MORE

After successfully stopping the trial from taking place, the demonstrators left the area at 11:30 a.m.

Summoning and threatening people and organizing trials without actual admissible charges is a typical and permanent ruse of the Islamic Republic; in this process the Islamic regime has attempted to create an atmosphere of terror and intimidation in order to prevent labor activists from organizing.