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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Dozens of women arrested in protest in Iran capital

Iran Focus:
Hundreds of Iranian women gathered outside the offices of the judiciary in Tehran on Tuesday in protest to the impending execution of a female prisoner, dissidents have told Iran Focus.

Dozens of protesting women were arrested outside the judiciary as they clashed with armed agents of Iran’s State Security Forces (SSF) and its undercover units.

Agents of the SSF sealed off the area, and motorbike patrols roamed the vicinity breaking up crowds of women.

The women were protesting the death sentence of Kobra Rahmanpour.

Rahmanpour has been in prison for several years accused of murdering her mother-in-law, though she insists that her actions were in self defence.

Iran’s State Supreme Court recently upheld the verdict for her to be hanged to death.