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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Friday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 9.8.2006:

The under-reported Iranian opposition press conference in Washington DC on Khatami's visit.
  • Kenneth R. Timmerman, reported on the press conference of former Iranian political prisoners and their relatives gave grisly testimony of torture under the regime of former president Mohammad Khatami, who is currently visiting the United States.
  • Senator Sam Brownback, who attended the press conference, introduced the Iran Human Rights Act, which would establish a State Department special envoy for human rights and democracy in Iran, support Iranian pro-democracy and human rights groups, and reform U.S.-funded broadcasts to the Iranian people.
  • U.S. Senator Rick Santorum said regarding former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami’s request for a visa to visit the United States.I am outraged... Mohammed Khatami is one of the chief propagandists of the Islamic Fascist regime. "
Netanyahu: Bush preparing to ditch the UN on Iran.
  • The New York Sun reported that Israeli Benjamin Netanyahu told an audience in New York that President Bush is preparing to ditch the United Nations to take on Iran alone.
Bush seeks to isolate Iran from international banking system.
  • The Wall Street Journal reported that the Bush administration is seeking to isolate a network of European and Middle Eastern banks and companies controlled by the Iranian government that U.S. official's suspect Iran is using to acquire sophisticated weapons technology.
Ahmadinejad wants to debate Bush at the UN.
  • The New York Sun reported that President Ahmadinejad of Iran declared that he intended to attend the General Assembly of the world body on September 19 and to debate his country's nuclear program with President Bush.
EU3 produce "confidential" document on Iran.
  • China Daily reported that according to a confidential document, key European nations warned that Iran is trying to weaken international opposition to its contentious nuclear program by stalling on giving a clear response to terms set by six world powers for negotiations.
  • Iran Focus reported that Tehran’s chief nuclear negotiator will travel to Paris as part of his previously-unannounced tour of European countries.
  • RIA Novosti reported that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Russia expects Iran to more fully explain its answer to the group of six proposals on its nuclear program.
Here are a few other news items you may have missed.
  • Dallas Morning News reported that Iranian activist Manouchehr Ganji argued that at least 70 percent of Iranians would help the democracy movement succeed if they could be convinced that it has the support of the West for the long haul.
  • SOSIran featured a video interview of Dr. Iman Foroutan on CNN's Headline News with Glenn Beck.
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