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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Russia demands fuller explanation from Iran on nuclear issue

RIA Novosti:
Russia expects Iran to more fully explain its answer to the group of six proposals on its nuclear program, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Thursday.

The five permanent UN Security Council members and Germany drafted a package of incentives to persuade Iran to suspend work on enriching uranium, which could be used in both electricity generation and weapons production. EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana presented the offer to Tehran during a visit to Iran June 6.

"Iran has provided a detailed answer to the group of six proposals. However, we would like a fuller explanation regarding certain questions," Lavrov said after he arrived in Beirut as part of his Middle East tour. READ MORE

Iran's nuclear program has been a source of major controversy since the beginning of the year, as many countries suspect the Islamic Republic of pursuing a covert weapons program under the pretext of civilian research, despite its claims to the contrary.

"The situation is rather difficult in a technical sense. Expert analysis is necessary," Lavrov said.

The Russian foreign minister also said Russia's position at the talks of the six world powers in Berlin Thursday would be guided by the goal of preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.