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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Iran's Nuclear News Briefing - DoctorZin

Nuclear fissures in Iran Asia Times
"An intense debate is raging among Iranian ruling clerics over the issue of nuclear programs. On the one hand you have the so-called ultras... On the other, there are the so-called pragmatists...

Ironically, it appears that the ultras are after a "catastrophe scenario", hoping that in the event of harsh sanctions or even an attack on its nuclear facilities by the US or Israel, the population, now massively against the regime, would fall in line behind the ruling mullahs and their nuclear ambitions. more

Iran nuclear plan more like N. Korea than Libya: US
US Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control Stephen Rademaker said Iran was more like North Korea, which expelled UN nuclear inspectors almost two years ago and Washington believes has up to nine warheads, than Libya, which voluntarily abandoned its nuclear arms programme in December 2003.

“Iran is a lot more like North Korea than like Libya,” Rademaker said in answer to reporters’ questions during a briefing at the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. “We do not expect Iran to comply over the long-term with any commitment not to develop nuclear weapons.” ...

However, a member of Tehran’s negotiating team, Sirus Naseri, said Iran would never agree to the Europeans’ ultimate goal -- that it scrap uranium enrichment for good. ... Naseri said the EU trio had made a preliminary commitment to oppose referring Iran to the Security Council at the November board meeting and to push for an end to the IAEA special investigation of Iran’s nuclear programme. more

EU Believes Iran Is 5 to 6 Years From Atom Bomb
Wallstreet Journal
Gary Milhollin, head of the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control in Washington, says the Europeans' time frame is too long and the U.S. "one year to a bomb" estimate is too short. He thinks Iran could have enough material and the design for one bomb in 1½ to two years.

The current deal sets no expiration date on Iran's suspension of enrichment activities, the European official said. It would launch new negotiations to secure a permanent solution. "There's quite a debate going on in Tehran about this," the official said. But he added: "This negotiation is over. They need to make a decision, and they need to make it this week." more
War Not an Option Against Iran - Germany's Fischer Reuters
"I don't see that we're immediately heading for an Iraq-like confrontation," Fischer said. "I believe that it's clear to all parties involved that war is not an option." more

Iran Official Warns of NPT Pull-Out if West Presses
"If they start to pressure or threaten us, then we will put aside the treaty and go underground," the semi-official Mehr news agency quoted him as saying.

"In that case, after one or two years, America and the EU will send mediators to talk to us and find a solution," he said. more