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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Rep. Leach Says Military Action Against Iran Would Be Unwise

The Republican Congressman from Iowa understands the problems of military action against Iran but makes the common mistake of advocating dialogue with the Mullahs of Iran. Regarding a military strike on Iran:
It would complicate U.S. efforts to stabilize Iraq. "Any strike on Iran would be expected to immediately precipitate a violent reaction in the Shi'a part of Iraq, where the U.S. has some support today. With ease, Iranian influence on the majority Shi'a of Iraq could make our ability to constructively influence the direction of change in Iraq near hopeless," Leach said.

It would increase the likelihood of future terrorist operations against the United States. "If there exists today something like a one-in-three chance of another 9/11-type incident or set of incidents in the U.S. in the next few years, a preemptive strike against Iran must be assumed to increase the prospect to two-in-three," Leach said.

It would tempt Iran to destabilize the global economy by restricting its oil exports.
"And Iran, far more than Osama bin-Laden, has within its power the ability not only to destabilize world politics, but world economies as well. Oil is, after all, the grease of economic activity, and a devastating Iranian-led cutback in supply cannot be ruled out," Leach said.

In place of military action, Leach argued that diplomatic and trade incentives should be used to encourage a dialogue with Iran. more
His arguements are weak but more importantly, he misses the option of supporting a regime change in Iran. He is half way there, contact him and encourge him to reconsider.