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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Howard Dean Calls Iran Most Dangerous Place on Earth

JTA Daily Briefing,

Howard Dean said strong support for Israel was critical to U.S foreign policy and that Iran was potentially the most dangerous place on earth. Dean spoke Monday to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s New Leadership Network, his first meeting with the pro-Israel community since his election as chairman of the Democratic National Committee last month. READ MORE

He sought to assuage concerns arising from his bid for the presidency in 2004, when he called for a more “even-handed” approach to the Middle East.A strong Israel is an essential part of the ability of the United States to build democracy everywhere in the world,” he said to applause. Iran’s bid to get the bomb makes it “potentially the most dangerous nation on the face of the earth.”

Also speaking Monday at AIPAC was Dean’s Republican counterpart, Ken Mehlman, who is Jewish.