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Sunday, May 08, 2005

Sunday's Daily Briefing on Iran

DoctorZin reports, 5.8.2005:

Iran: A Close Shave Connected Traveler to People Eager for Answers about US

Matt Mossman, Sun-Sentinel:
I was at the bus station in Shiraz, slumped in an orange plastic chair. I'd been in Iran for a week and was getting frustrated. Few locals wanted to talk to me...

I had four hours before my bus left, so I trudged over to the barber to get a haircut. I decided to lose my scruffy beard, too, and that's all it took for things to change. ...

Three hours later, the departure lounge at the Shiraz bus station seemed like a farewell party just for me. ...

The Average Jelal ... needs to make sure you understand that he and practically everyone else he knows hate the country's religious leaders more than you could ever imagine. ...

I knew before going that Iranians like us more than we think. Now, it's hard to exaggerate the point. READ MORE
The article provides a window into the heart of the Iranian people. A great read.

Here are a few other news items you may have missed.