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Monday, June 27, 2005

EU's Solana: No Reason to Change Policy on Iran

Jersusalem Post:
European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana said Monday he saw no immediate reason to change policy on Iran after the election of hard-line candidate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, adding nuclear talks with Teheran will continue.

"We don't have any reason to change at this time," Solana told reporters, adding that the talks between Iran, and Germany, France, and Britain, on behalf of the EU on preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons remain on track.

Officials at the EU head office and Solana also demanded Iran address claims of voter irregularities in the presidential vote.

"I have some doubts about ... the manner in which the election has taken place," said Solana.

European Commission spokeswoman Emma Udwin said the EU, while it did not send election observers, was looking at the vetting procedures in the presidential elections, which she claimed "prevented a lot of candidates from standing."

"There have been a number of allegations of voter irregularity," said Udwin. "That's a serious matter, and we believe those complaints should be looked at swiftly and transparently."