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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Homework Assignment

Blog Iran:
Here's a fun an easy homework assignment for all of you fellow bloggers and activists who have an interest and a few minutes to lend in support of human freedom. READ MORE

Please write a one paragraph review of the EU3s relationship (failed talks) with the Mullahs, and please consider offering up your thoughts as to why the EU3 continues to go easy on the Mullahs (in a sense, helping to sustain them!) and also why the Bush Administration continues to sit on the sidelines, with the exception of an occasional strong statment by Condoleezza Rice (Which are of course, sincerely appreciated)? Unfortunately, a comprehensive approach/policy to bringing freedom to the Iranian people (& The Whole Middle East) has yet to be stated/clarified, and the closest the Administration has gotten to such a goal have been the sporadic bits and pieces of rhetoric in support of the Iranian people, which are frankly few and far between, and don't do damn near enough!

Please submit the following assignment whenever you have the chance by posting it as a comment here.