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Sunday, June 05, 2005

Update on our blogosphere campaign

Our blogosphere campaign is growing. More slowly than I would like, but we are picking up steam. This weekend we had a brief mention by MSNBC, Andrew Sullivan noticed us, and many bloggers have begun to spread the news.

We have not yet heard from some of the major bloggers that have supported us in the past. I assume this is due to a perceived lull in the news coverage in Iran prior to the June 17th elections. But if your are a reader of these blogs and notice they have yet to join, you might send them a note asking them to consider it.

On a more humorous note, I noticed an interesting post about our campaign. The author, Vangel asked:
I wonder which government or which military contractors are funding this site. That is all that Americans need; more fake reasons to invade another country, destroy and demoralize their own military and bankrupt their children.
I am not funded by the government or anyone else. I wish we had some funding. This site is a labor of love, the result of our love for freedom, democracy and the Iranian people. I personally spend 8-12 hours a day on this and I could use the kind of financial support Vangel assume we have. I know my wife agrees. Each day the volume of news we need to review grows and I wish I had more time to dedicate to this work. If you can help us, click below. If you know organizations that would consider helping us, email me.

If you haven't joined our campaign,
do so now.
Also, we hope that in the coming week's congress will take up the Iran legislation pending in congress. We need your help in contacting congress and asking for their support for pro-democracy legislation in congress. We need to act now! Spread the word.