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Saturday, July 02, 2005

Ganji warns of his coming death

Iranian blogger, Windsteed, Iran Hopes 2005:
Mr. Akbar Ganji, a dissident journalist, writer and politican activist who has spent over 62 months in the Islamic Republic prison for publishing his anti-regime opinions, has written a letter to the outside world to let everyone know if he dies in prison, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei will be directly responsible for his death. Ganji who has been on hunger strike since last month says that "Hejazi" from the office of the Leader delievers Khamenei's orders to Mortazavi, Tehran's chief prosecutor, on how to treat Ganji should be treated.

I just wonder what has happened to us Iranians. Why don't we do anything for Ganji? What has happened to us? Isn't Ganji and his situation more important to us than a sport victory for which poured onto the streests to show, not only our joy, but also our power? Can't we use this power to support Ganji? Can't we just march on, I don't know, Enghelab avenue to show that we care about Ganji? Doesn't Ganji need our support? If it were not because of us, for our freedom, Ganji would not have been jailed. He put his life in danger, he sacrificed his freedom to open our eyes to the truth. This brave man revealed to us what was going on behind the curtains, he told us how the 'holy men' ordered our fellow Iranians to be butchered only because of their opinions. We have no hope in the international human rights bodies. They are useless. But can't we do something to at least show that we care about Ganji? Is this the way we treat freedom fighters?!