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Friday, July 29, 2005

Suicide Bombers Spread Out All Over Iran

Iran Press News: Translated by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzi. Courtesy of FrontPageMag.
The Islamic Republic's support and funding for suicide bombers and missions are well-known facts to many. Now the Islamic Republic, in response to the stream of continued protests around Iran and clashes with protestors, has begun installing suicide bombers around the various provinces in Iran. The plans for creating and instructing brigades that are meant to be on constant alert are underway.

The Commander of the headquarters known as "Lovers of Martyrdom", said in an interview with the regime publication Partow: "I have had numerous meetings with the Supreme Leader, Khamnei who enthusiastically provided us with his guidance. Of course in Tehran, we have stationed four such brigades, as opposed to the one in each of the other provinces."

He continued: "Europeans and Americans have been opining about our nuclear issues and as such acting against the regime and turning international NGO's against us. It might be that we may not even have to use a nuclear bomb against them; for the time being each one of our suicide bombers functions as a single nuclear bomb."