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Sunday, August 21, 2005

Iranian secularist forces prepare Ahmadi-Nejad's 'welcoming' to US

SMCCDI (Information Service):
Iranian secularist opposition groups are preparing a kind of 'welcoming' ceremony for the Islamic republic's appointed president on US soil. Ahamdi-Nejad is to speak on September 14th at the UN General Assembly in New York.

Groups are preparing to stage a peaceful protest rally, at the UN, on the days of September 14th and 15th. They intend to denounce, in a common voice, the presence of the Islamist president as the 'symbol of Iranian Nation' and the persistent human rights' abuses by his illegitimate and unpopular regime. National-Secular Party, Iran Society, Marzeporgohar Party, Alliance of Iranians, Iranian Congress, Social-Democrats, Iranian Council, Free-Thinkers, Pan-Iranist and SMCCDI are some of these entities. READ MORE

These groups have started to mobilize the Iranian Diaspora residing in the US and a more active campaign is to start in the next days. Iranian satellite TV and radio networks will be used for such purpose and some selected American media will be covering the issue.

Already the request for the rally was submitted by SMCCDI to New York City's authorities at the beginning of August and following the appointment of Ahmadi-Nejad. But a tactical decision had forced, till now, the Movement of trying to keep, low key, the issue and the collective preparation of the action.

Various reasons, such as, limiting the Islamic regime in adopting any kind of contingency plan and also to avoid the high jacking of the collective action by some controversial opposition figures, known for quest of fame, were behind such decision. Some of these elements are well known for having caused negative impacts in the past, such as, the cancellation of a rally which was to take place, at the UN, in order to protest against the presence of Khatami.

Already some of them have tried to claim the ownership of the future event by posting letters on the net. Such negative behavior has already created some negative comments from other individuals or dissidents.

SMCCDI and many other groups or dissidents believe that no one has the right to claim the ownership of such event, while everyone is welcome to participate in such actions which will impact the fate of millions of Iranians. Negative behaviors, such as, fame or power seeking are usually taking root in psychological problems of some individuals suffering by megalomania. They've contributed so far to the lack of an unified Iranian opposition and the continuation of the life of the Islamic regime.

Eventually, a well planning and a tight security should insure the safety of the event and its correct organization. In that line, several meetings have been planned in the South Californian City of Los Angeles from next W-End for such purpose.

The Movement will be publishing, in days ahead and on SMCCDI's website, updates, the list of participants and speakers which includes several Americans, as well as, the names of all those who would undermine such collective action.