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Sunday, September 11, 2005

Four political prisoners now on hunger strike at Rejaiishahr prison in Karadj

Iran Press News: Translation by Banafsheh Zand-Bonazzzi
As of September 9th, political prisoners Valiollah Fayz-Mahdavi and Hodjat Zamani, joined their fellow activists, Bina Darab-Zand and Behrooz Javid-Tehrani on their hunger strike. All four are being incarcerated at Rejaiishahr prison in the Tehran suburb of Karadj.

Both Hodjat Zamani and Behrooz Javid-Tehrani are being held in the Criminals' ward of this prison. These 4 prisoners have formed the "Committee for hunger-strikers of Rejaiishahr prison."

Valiollah Fayz-Mahdavi and Hodjat Zamani have the following demands:

1. Transfer of Behrooz Javid-Tehrani and Hodjat Zamani out of the criminal ward to the political ward,

2. Transferring two other political prisoners: Yasser Majidi and Haydar Nouri who have been expelled to prisons in the towns of Birjand and Semnaan back to the political ward of Evin prison in Tehran,

3. Formation of a safer judiciary for all political prisoners,

4. Total compliance with the International Bill of Human Rights